Last Saturday Prayer for Priests, August 25, 2018
Adoration of the Most Holy Blessed Sacrament as we pray a 20- decade Rosary,
Our Mother speaks:
“Children of My Immaculate Heart, I love you! I love you! I love you! I am with you my beloved little ones in this time of trial and tribulation. The Chastisement of God is beginning, has begun. To My beloved priest sons who are faithful and holy, you are the jewels in My Heavenly Crown as Your Queen, Your Mother. To My priest sons who are unfaithful to My Son Jesus and unholy, you pierce My Immaculate Heart with a lance, just like My Son Jesus’ Heart was pierced on the Cross.
Woe to you, shepherds who have gone astray! I plead for Mercy for you, for your souls.
My children who have responded to My Call to you all these many years- to pray for My beloved priest sons- do you now begin to understand the need for your sacrifice, your suffering, your prayer? Yes, Our God is cleansing His Church. A new Order is coming. Divine Order. Where God will be first in His Church and in your hearts. Let it be known that I have called you in the Name of My Son, Jesus and in obedience to the Most Holy Blessed Trinity. I have called you as Your Mother, as Your Queen, Mother of the King, Jesus, My Son.
I have given you your name, Brides of the Most Holy Blessed Trinity of the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. I thank you all for your years of obedience through much trial, suffering and persecution. The whole Church is the Bride of My Son Jesus! He is the Bridegroom. He is your Bridegroom and He comes to you through the Consecrated Hands of My Beloved Priest Sons. I encourage you, children of My Immaculate Heart to persevere in holiness and wholeness. Persevere in prayer and in offering all your joys, sacrifices and suffering of body, mind and soul for My priest sons and for more holy vocations.
I desire to establish a new Order of Priests, Divine Love Missionaries, Fathers of Divine Love who will be in 24-hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and in Prayer in Reparation for the grievous sins of Priests, Bishops, Cardinals and Popes. This is necessary. This is needed. This is primary for the cleansing and the renewal and restoration to holiness and wholeness of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Reparation is needed for the sins of the fathers and to comfort Our Father who has been so deeply hurt.
For the abused and all who are hurting, I am with you. I am within you. I suffer with you. I grieve. Turn to Jesus! Turn to Jesus! Turn to Jesus with all your hearts! Jesus awaits you all with open Arms! Saints and sinners turn to Jesus! Sinners and Saints turn to Jesus! Come home all who have gone astray! Become One again! The ‘New Springtime’ is on the horizon. Stay awake and be alert.
Put God first in your lives, your families, your homes, your Dioceses, your states, your countries. Your lives, your world should revolve around God! He must be first in your lives, in your families, and in His Church at every level. This is Divine Order. I bless you as I leave you. I love you. As you await the ‘New Springtime’ keep in mind that it is always darkest before the dawn. I love you and will remain with you always. Your Mother, Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.”
For a split second I felt a crown of thorns being put on my head. Our Mother spoke: “My child, write about your life, an ordinary life, given to God, and the ‘little way’ of St. Therese`.”