March 25, 2000 Priests Saturday Last Saturday of March 2000 Theriot, Louisiana Claire Rose wrote: At 12:00 noon I asked my husband to bless our house inside & around the outside with Holy Water. Pilgrims began to arrive earlier than other months and were praying outside. At 2P.M. Leslie Therese` & I (claire rose) walked out of my bedroom where we had been praying. Our house was filled with beautiful people who had come to pray a Rosary for Priests with us. As instructed by Our Mother, I blessed myself, the whole room & people present with Holy Water. We began the Rosary in the usual way, with The Sign of The Cross. I then invited Our Blessed Mother under all Her Titles, all the holy angels & Saints & holy souls in Purgatory to please pray with us & for us as we offer this Rosary for holy priests, for unholy priests & for priests souls in Purgatory. My heart was filled with joy for a holy priest had come, also two holy nuns in habits and a religious brother. First Joyful Mystery (The Annunciation) Our Mother came in a mist or cloud. I saw Her briefly in a white dress and white veil. Our Blessed Mother asks me, "Announce My Presence." I did. I saw Our Mother's Heart. Her Immaculate Heart beat from flesh to gold. In silence, I consecrated all the priests of the world and those still in Purgatory to The Sacred Heart of Jesus through The Immaculate Hands and Heart of Our Blessed Mother, Mother of Divine Love. I also consecrated all of us present, those who were praying with us in other places, our families, friends, parishes, all those who had asked us to pray for them. I gave to Our Mother all of the petitions in our box and those in our hearts. I lifted in prayer all those we had ever met and would ever meet in our lifetimes. I simply surrendered all especially this little mission of love to Our Mother's Immaculate Hands and Heart. I asked Our Mother to please join us together with those who are praying with us in other places at this time for priests, as if we were in the same room. Third Joyful Mystery (The Birth of Jesus) Today is very special because today for the first time, a priest came for Our Mother's Visitation and She began Her Message with words for him. "My Precious and Most Beloved Son, I thank you with ALL My Heart, ALL My Heart for coming here today. I love you, My beloved son, I love you with ALL MY HEART. My Immaculate Heart is filled with Joy, deep Joy that you have come. Be assured that I am here and I have called you from among all My sons. I have chosen you and set you like a seal on My Heart. You bring Joy and Comfort to My Immaculate Heart. Comfort for all the grief that pierces My Motherly Heart by some of My priest sons. I love you My beloved son I love you. Today is a very special day for Me. Today I am filled with Joy, filled with happiness. A new vocation has been planted today. It is My desire today to thank all the priests who have encouraged you My daughter. I enclose this within My Message to My beloved sons. I thank all three who have come and blessed this place. I love you. You have each a special place in My Heart of Love and of Peace. I thank in advance all those of My beloved sons who are coming. I will bless you in abundance for answering My call to you. I will place you most tenderly in the Sacred Loving Heart of My Son Jesus. I have given birth to your vocation. You are surrounded today by a multitude of Holy Angels and saints. I love you all so much My little ones (Her Priests) tho' you are a shepherd to Me you are My little lambs. I love you My precious sons. I love you. I assure you of My protection in these final hours. Speak to your brother priests who are in error. Do not be afraid for I go before you. I am with you at all times. I love you I love you. I call you to return to your first love. Return to your Mother. My sons how I call out to you from the very depths of My grieving Heart. My Heart is filled with Love with compassion and with Mercy for you My sons. I call you to holiness. You are to lead My children to holiness. I love you. Thank you for your 'yes' to My Son. I love you My precious ones who represent My Son Jesus each day. O My beloved sons do you not feel My Love for you? Seek Me. Ask My help. I will take your hand and lead you to holiness, to My Son, to Our Father and to My Beloved Spouse, The Holy Spirit." Fifth Sorrowful Mystery (The Crucifixion) "This is My 12th Visitation for you for you My sons. I love you. I love you. Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love" I was taken to the place where Jesus was Crucified. During the First Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection, I was brought back to this room. Second Glorious Mystery (The Ascension) "Write for My children. My Precious and Most Beloved Children I love you. You bring Joy to My Heart today on this special day, the Feast Day of The Annunciation. I bring to you many blessings today from The Holy Blessed Trinity, Our God. I love you My little ones. I love you. You comfort Me by your 'yes', your response to My Call. My Call to you to pray for My priest sons. They need your prayers and little sacrifices. My little ones, I love you so much. So much. My beloved children, I call you to holiness. I call you to repentance and a deeper conversion. Leave all behind that keeps you from holiness, all that keeps you from responding totally to the Call of My Son Jesus. I come here in obedience to Him, My little ones. I love you, My children. Pray for Our Holy Father John Paul II. Pray for all My beloved sons. When the Angel Gabriel came to Me to Announce the Good News I did not fully understand. I said "Yes" in love. I ask the same of you, My children, say 'Yes' in love even though you do not understand. Do not be afraid. You are all called and chosen to be holy and to pray many times a day for holy priests. I will speak to your hearts. Many healings will occur here as with no other place for the healing of My beloved sons and through them My beloved Church will be healed and holy once again. Thank you for answering My Call. I love you. Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love." End of Claire Rose ________________________________________ Last Saturday, March 25, 2000 Leslie Therese received in Theriot, LA Just after we started the Rosary for Priests, I see Our Mother, Mary in a white mantle and blue dress. She asked me "to pray with Her and to accept all who come to me to be prayed on and to continue my daily life." Joyful Mysteries Our Mother Mary Spoke: "To My priest sons, I love you and have asked you here to this place to save yourselves from sin. You must come back to Me, your Mother. I will welcome you here. You who may come here empty will be filled with an overabundant Love. I will wash you in My Love for you." I now see Our Mother Mary in a mantle of diamonds. Her Immaculate Heart is edged in, surrounded by black diamonds. "I am bringing you back to the real Church. You will be strong again because of the prayers being said for you here and I am here for all who seek Me out. I Love You. And no-one could Love you more. Ask My help and you shall receive it. I want only to be your Mother. Come to Me. You will become new here." I now see Our Mother Mary in a white linen mantle. Her Face turns from Black to White to Indian to Asian. I hear voices singing "O beautiful Mary!" Our Mother then Spoke to the priest who was present, "Thank you My Son for coming." She also Spoke to the two nuns present: "My daughters you are truly blessed today." The Angels are here again singing and praying with us. Our Lady continues: "A miracle of love is here for all to seek. I bless each one here and all of their families at home and far-away. Let them all know I am here for them. My Love is so much it can never be depleted. It will never run out, no matter the sin, I will always be your Mother, Mother of Divine Love." I then see Jesus in dark maroon and white. His Sacred Heart is pulsing. He said: "Susan I Love You. Continue to pray. I am listening. I always do." "Offer up all of your Wedding rings they are being blessed. Offer all your daily deeds for priests. Without priests you have no church. Pray daily for Holy Priests in Abundance. Our Father is listening to all of your prayers and petitions as We pray and write them." For the first time, I am wearing the crown of thorns. Jesus continued: "I will bear all of your sins. Send them to Me. I will wash them away so you can start new. My brothers, I am with you all no matter what. Do not give in to the World give in only to Me. The world has nothing to offer you. I have everything you will ever need. Come to Me here. Come back to Our Mother. Through Her you will find everlasting life and Love in Me." I then see Jesus in white robes. His Sacred Heart and all His Wounds are bleeding. And The Blood is falling on all of our heads, everyone here. Our Mother Speaks : "Thank you Claire for receiving My children into your home and welcoming all who come here. Larry carry Me in your heart and you need never be afraid again. For those who question whether I am here or not be assured that I am. You will leave knowing deep inside your heart that I am here and I Love even the doubter. Tell everyone you know that I am here and where I am so is My Son also." The crown is getting tight. Second Glorious Mystery The Ascension Mary is touching and blessing each one of us here. Some will feel her touch. I hear: "June 1st " ??(I do not know what this means.) I see all of us in a Tunnel of Rainbows. We are surrounded in these, a sign of Gods love for us. Our Mother Mary: "Thank you again My children for coming today. I pray also with you for My sons need all of Our help. Pray. Pray. Pray daily. Pray endlessly. Pray without ceasing. Pray at every free moment. I will pray with you at all of these times. I hear the voices of My children with a full and happy heart. Go to confession." I asked Mary to bless everything that was brought here and she replied "I already have!" "Pray to St. Michael for protection also to St. Joseph. Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love." End of Leslie Therese. _______________________________________ 3/25/2000 Received by Lin a bride from another area Went to the quiet of my room around 2:00 p.m. to say the rosary for priests. To join others who at this time were praying for priests per Our Lady's requests. I invited the Holy Angels and Saints and Souls in Purgatory to pray with me and for me for all the priests of the world. I started the rosary. Our Lady spoke, "My child, you are being harassed by the evil one. Let everything go and put all in Jesus and My Hands. Continue to pray little one." I sprinkled holy water throughout the whole house, and continued to say the Joyful Mysteries. Our Lady was silent during the rest of the Joyful Mysteries. At the 1st Sorrowful Mystery THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN Our Lady spoke, "My child indifference! My children feel indifference for My Son. They are more interested in entertaining themselves than learning about My Son." I see Our Mother in a vision and she is all sorrowful. She is wearing a white dress with a blue robe and a white veil that is transparent. She asks, "Continue to pray My child." Our Lady is very very sad. She continues to speak, "Thank you for coming today to pray for Our priests and the entire priesthood. Your prayers are being heard in heaven. Much prayer is needed for all the priesthood and all the shepherds all over the world. This is a difficult time for priests and shepherds. They are trying desperately to lead their flocks in the right direction and are bombarded from all directions by the evil one. He uses all the tricks he knows to discourage them from the correct path. Prayer will stop him and much prayer is needed. I am counting on you My child to let My children know how much prayer is needed. People who are not afraid to be prayer warriors to pray for Our priests, Our shepherds. Continue to pray little one." 3rd Sorrowful Mystery, THE CROWNING WITH THORNS, Our Lady spoke again, "I have many priest sons who are good and are fighting to stay that way. Pray for them to keep close to My Son. Pray for them not to be discouraged." At the 4th Sorrowful Mystery, THE CARRYING OF THE CROSS, I see a vision of Our Lady in a cream colored gown with her hands outstretched to us, to all mankind. She has a rosary in one of Her Hands, holding it out to all of us. She is bathed in light and has no veil over her head. She is very very beautiful. I have never seen Her this way before. She begins to speak, "Teach others how to say the rosary. Teach them to pray it from the heart. Continue to pray My child." At the 5th Sorrowful Mystery, THE CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH OF OUR LORD, Our Lady begins to speak again,"Many souls go to hell because no one prays for them. My child you have been harassed by distractions all through this rosary as the evil one does not want you to succeed. Continue to pray in spite of him. This was allowed to show you how much a priest is harassed by the evil one." It was very difficult to say this 15 decade rosary, but I also learned that as I said the rosary the harassment only went so far and I was still able to concentrate, and I had the grace to discipline myself to go on saying the rosary as Our Lady had told me to do. At the 3rd Glorious Mystery, THE DECENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON OUR LADY AND THE APOSTLES IN THE UPPER ROOM, I felt a great peace. The harassment had stopped. Our Lady began to speak again, "Thank you My children for coming today to pray for Our priests. Your prayers have been heard. Many blessings go home today with each one of you. To your families and all you meet. These blessings also go to all who gathered today to pray for priests in other areas." (I understood this to mean the entire Apostolate of Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity that had gathered together today all over the world to pray for priests.) "I love you My children. The Most Blessed Trinity Love's you. Go in the Peace and Love of My Son's Most Sacred Heart and in My Immaculate Heart. We are with you." I felt the oneness of the entire Apostolate all praying for priests together. Our Lady did not speak any more. I realized in a very deep way that the priests and shepherds had to have great grace to combat the harassments they receive in daily life from the devil. I didn't realize how bad until I experienced it today. The most insidious part was I didn't realize I was being harassed and who was doing it until Our Lady told me. I then realized how important prayer was to release the grace necessary for them to survive as good and holy priests and shepherds. Thank you Blessed Mother for that understanding. It was around 4:00 p.m. End of Lin a bride from another area ____________________________________