June 24, 2000 Priests Saturday Last Saturday of June 2000 Theriot Louisiana USA
Received by Claire Rose. At 9:30A.M. pilgrims began to arrive early and were praying outside. About 11A.M., my husband sprinkled Holy Water inside and around the outside of our home. Through the kindness of someone who loves Our Mother very much, a speaker system was loaned to us today so that everyone could hear as we pray the Rosary & later read Our Mother's Message. We thank Our Mother and these kind people for this. About 1P.M. a friend began to lead those gathered in singing hymns. About 1:30 some of us were praying "Hail Mary's" in my bedroom with some of my children, my grandchildren and two of their friends. I asked my granddaughter Ashley to please go and invite all the little children to come into my room to pray with us. They came and knelt around my bed as we continued to pray over & over, "Hail Mary, full of Grace. The Lord is with Thee. Blessed are Thou among women and Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, JESUS! Holy Mary, Mother of God! Pray for us, sinners, NOW and at the hour of our death. Amen." Our Mother surprised me as She Spoke a Message for the children. I did not see Her. She said, "My precious little ones, I love you with all My Heart. Thank you for coming here today to pray with Me for Our priests. I Ask you to pray for them every day. I Ask you to offer little sacrifices every day for them. If you will pray for holy priests, I promise you will have holy priests to lead and guide you. I am wrapping you in My softest Mantle of Love and of Protection. I am hugging each one of you. I love you My dear little children. I am Your Mother, Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Grace and Love." Our Lady had another surprise for us. A little boy, 11 years old saw Our Mother. He said that he saw Her life-size floating above my bed, next to my granddaughter, who was sitting on the bed. She was dressed all in blue with a veil. Her eyes were blue like the sky. Her hair was brown. He saw Our Mother hug my granddaughter, then She floated to him & hugged him and my grandson. He said that he saw Her do this as I was speaking Our Mother's Words. He was affected very deeply by this experience. His mom, a friend of one of my daughters was also deeply touched and began to cry. This was the first time they came on the Last Saturday. I had not seen these children in several years. I asked the young mom to please go out and share with everyone what had happened to her little boy. She did. Then her little girl, 9, went to her and told her that she too had seen Our Lady. Both children came to me and all I could do was hug them. The little girl saw only Our Lady's clothing moving. This touched everyone very deeply, especially me. I have asked Our Mother to please let many others see Her here, most especially priests and Bishops. I am in awe of Her and grateful to Her and to Almighty God for this beautiful extra-ordinary gift. At 2P.M. Leslie Therese', Lin &I (Claire Rose) walked out of my bedroom where we had been praying. Our house was filled with beautiful pilgrims who had come to pray a Rosary for Priests with us. As instructed by Our Mother, I blessed myself, the whole house & people present with Holy Water. We began the Rosary in the usual way, with The Sign of The Cross. I then invited Our Blessed Mother under all Her Titles, all the holy angels & Saints & souls being made holy in Purgatory to please pray with us & for us as we offer this Rosary for holy priests, for unholy priests, for the return of priests who have left us, for more priests & for priests souls in Purgatory. My heart was filled with joy and thanksgiving for the two children who had seen Our Mother. I was so happy to see two holy nuns in habit and a Religious Brother, also in habit. As we began the Rosary for priests, Blessed Mother asked me to announce that She was Present at the first Hail Mary. I saw Her as Queen of Divine Love, all in creamy white. Her Mantle had an edging of gold. Her Crown was a simple shiny gold, medium height with 7 points. On the front was a gold Chalice with a pure white Host suspended above it. Brilliant beams of gold light shone all around the Host & Chalice. It looked like a Monstrance. She was beautiful as She always is. She came with many many holy angels and saints. Multitudes! It was as if ALL of Heaven opened up and came with Her. I know I do a poor job of describing the indescribable. All I could think of was the Splendor of Heaven. Our Mother said that She was joining all who were praying for priests as if we were in the same room. I consecrated all the priests of this world and all priests souls in Purgatory to Our Mother's Immaculate Heart. I consecrated all future priests to Her Immaculate Heart. I consecrated all of us, all our families and friends, all those we had ever met and would ever meet to Our Mother's Immaculate Heart. I consecrated the whole world to Jesus' Sacred Heart through Our Mother's Immaculate Hands and Heart. I presented to Her all our prayers, sacrifices, joys and sufferings offered for priests. I gave to Her our petitions. At the 3rd Joyful Mystery, The Birth of Our Lord, I see Mary Our Mother and St. Elizabeth greeting each other. Mary Our Mother speaks a Message to the young Religious Brother, "My precious and most beloved son, I love you with all My Heart. I have called you and chosen you to be here today. I am blessing you today in a very special way. I fill you with My Peace and My Love. Live always in the Divine Will of Our Father. I love you. I love your open heart. You are Mine My beloved son. I chose you from long ago, long ago. I thank you for having responded to My call to your heart. Live on in Divine Love, My precious son. Do not be afraid of anything or anyone. I am blessing you with fullest grace. Your Mother." At the 4th Joyful Mystery, The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple, Mary Our Mother continues, "To My other sons, My beloved and precious priest sons, I call out to you. This is My Fifteenth Visitation for you, My beloved sons. WHERE ARE YOU? I call out to you from the depths of My Immaculate Heart. Why are you so afraid? I call you to repentance and conversion here in this place I have chosen from long ago. The Heart of My Son Jesus dwells here, for you, for you My sons and for all My children. I love you. I love you. I thank you for becoming holy priests. I love you." I see Tears in Our Mothers' Eyes. Our Mother, "Tears of Joy My sons, tears of Joy for My priest sons who have come and who will come to holiness because of the prayers of My children." I see many, many priests falling on their knees, in tears and in supplication to God in Heaven, in repentance. I see many, many priests kneeling once more in front of their Tabernacles. I see many, many more Adoration Chapels. I see many, many priests spending Hours in Adoration. I see many, many priests hearing the confession of their brother priests. I see many, many new priests being ordained in every nation. Many, many. I see many old priests coming back to Jesus, going to Holy Confession after years of being away. I have never seen any of this before. The numbers were so great, more than thousands. At the 5th Joyful Mystery, The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple, Mary Our Mother continues, "Yes, My daughter, this will happen. You will see some of this in your own lifetime. The message here is one of Hope, of Peace and of Love." Lin dropped her tablet and it fell to the floor. I felt so bad for her.Our Mother said, "I love you Lin." I said "Mother you know this is difficult for us to be in front of all your people. We would much rather be hidden and unseen." Our Mother answered, "I know My beloved daughters. I thank you for your obedience. I love you." To a lady who was present, Our Mother gives a message, "Do not be afraid My little one. I love you. I will take care of you always. Trust My Son Jesus with everything." At the 2nd Sorrowful Mystery, The Scourging at the Pillar, I said, "My Mother I missed the First Sorrowful Mystery. Where was I?" Our Mother, "You were with Me My child. A. and L. I love you. R. I love you. I am with you. My beloved sons, I am here for you in a special way. I call, I invite, I love you. Come to Me here. I have many gifts of healing for you. A. I love you. I send a yellow rose to you. I hear your cries for help. Take courage, I am with you. L. I love you. I love you. Sisters, My beloved brides, I love you. Thank you for your faithful service. You will see much healing in your Order. Pray for holy priests to lead you. I hear your hearts." At the 3rd Sorrowful Mystery, The Crowning with Thorns, Our Lady continues, "My persecuted sons. I love you. I thank you for your faithfulness. I love you. I love you. My son Fr., ________, I have heard your prayers. I thank you for loving Me, for defending Me, for teaching others to love Me, especially My littlest ones. I am blessing you My son. Do not be afraid. I thank you for offering yourself as a victim soul for My priest sons. I love you. I chose you. Be at Peace. All will come to pass as I have spoken, My beloved son, son of My Immaculate Heart. Thank you My beloved son for coming here in faith. I love you. I love you. I am healing your heart and your soul. Be at peace. I am giving to you My very own Heart." At the 5th Sorrowful Mystery, The Crucifixion, I see Jesus on the Cross still alive, bleeding. I see Our Mother holding the Foot of the Cross. I see Blood all over Her Dress and Mantle. She speaks, "I suffered for My sons on this day. I suffered with My Son. Though My Wounds did not show except for My Grief. All (was) suffered for My priest sons on this day of My Suffering, My Grief, My Love in obedience, in gentle obedience. I ask you all My priest sons to be obedient to your chosen leader on this earth, Pope John Paul II." At the 1st Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection, I hear the sound of the Whipping of Jesus, the Scourging. Jesus Spoke, "Those who persecute My holy priests persecute Me. I will hold them accountable." (I understood this to have two meanings, first that Jesus would hold those who persecute priests accountable, but also that priests were to be held accountable to Jesus for their wrongful actions and sins.) Our Mother, "I ask you, I beg you My beloved children, pray and offer your suffering for My priests. I have chosen them to lead you to holiness. Each one will be accountable to My Son Jesus for the souls placed in their care." A holy nun was leading this Mystery. For a moment, Jesus & Our Mother seemed to Speak together. I sprinkled Holy Water as a caution. Our Lady continues, "We speak with One Voice My Son and I. He has sent Me. He who persecutes you persecutes Me and My Son. My dear children, I speak to you in Love. Love My priest sons with all your hearts. Love them, speak to them gently with love and with Peace. Thank them for all they do for you and for My Son and Me. Your Mother. I love you." At the 3rd Glorious Mystery, The Descent of the Holy Spirit, Our Lady continues, "I thank each one of you for coming here today to pray with Me your Mother." At the 4th Glorious Mystery, The Assumption of Our Lady, Blessed Mother continues, "My suffering while My Son was in the Tomb was offered for those who hurt My priest sons in any way. I ask you to love them enough to pray daily, pray constantly, as you go about your daily work for them. Offer your suffering and little sacrifices for them, for their return to holiness, for their perseverance in holiness. I ask you to offer even your lives if necessary for My beloved priests sons. Your reward shall be in Heaven where I will bring you Myself. I am blessing all who are here and in other places praying for My priest sons. I am blessing all your families. I love you all. Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love." End of Claire Rose. _______________________________________ June 24, 2000 Priest Saturday, Last Saturday of June 2000 Theriot, Louisiana USA Received by Leslie Therese'. Our Mother Mary appeared in white with a golden band around Her Mantle. I smell roses. Our Mother Mary speaks, "I have chosen this place and all who dwell here and who come here." At the 2nd Joyful Mystery, the Visitation, Our Mother continues, "This is just the beginning. I will send many more of My children here. Continue to devote yourself to Me. You are wrapped in My Loving Arms. My devotion here is to My sons (priests). Go and pray in Claire's room. My children I love you with all of My Immaculate Sorrowful Heart. I love you more each day. Nothing can stop My Love from reaching you if you ask for it. Thank you for coming here today. I see and feel each of your thoughts and sorrows. I am here for you always. I am your strength and you are Mine. Continue to pray daily and offer up all of your daily deeds for My sons. Your prayers and devotions are heard and shared. Each time you pray I pray with you. I hear and especially Love My small children as they pray for My sons. I can refuse them nothing." I see Jesus in pure white. His Halo is pure gold. Our Mother Mary speaks, "Do as I am asking you My little ones. Pray for My sons without ceasing. Every thought can be a prayer for My sons. Your Father is listening and He hears all words and thoughts as it is formed in your head. For My Priests, My sons, your Father Loves you. I love you, and want to heal and renew every part of you in need. My Love and devotion to you is great. I have come here especially for this reason, to this place of hope. I ask you to come to Me. I am here for you My chosen sons. I await you in loneliness for your face, for your souls." At the 3rd Sorrowful Mystery, The Crowning with Thorns, I see Our Mother Mary in green. Green means hope, new life. She speaks, "I come here today in green to renew all here today to refresh your souls. You each are chosen by Me because of your love and devotion, because of your belief in Me. Many priests souls will be saved. Continue with all your heart to devote special time and prayer to My sons, because without them the Church as you know it will cease. PRAY. SPEAK SOFTLY AND YOU SHALL BE HEARD." Jesus then speaks, "I am the Lamb that God the Father in His Infinite Wisdom and Undeniable Love sent down from Heaven to bless and forgive the World of it's sin. Call Me My brothers. I also am here for you. I come here through My Mother's Love and Devotion. She has made this place. I have blessed it and all who come here are in prayer for you. My Angels and Saints of Heaven are praying here also." All were speaking together. "Come back to Us. We are calling you here to this place. Your Father, your Brother and Your Mother. WE ARE YOUR FAMILY. No one on earth can Love you as We do. We know all your sin, all your weakness, all your torment, all your hearts. We are here for you. Come bathe in Our Love for you." End of the 2nd Glorious Mystery, The Ascension, Jesus says, "I place a sweet gentleling kiss on all here." I can hear every one's voices soften. Beautiful. Thank you Jesus. For Joyce., I Love you too! Jason, I hear your plea. Pray for intercession to St. Theresa and pray the St. Joseph Chaplet to St. Joseph for priests and religious. D. I love you. Thank you especially for all you do for Me without complaint. You are great in My heart. My most precious daughters, your devotion humbles Me. To all of My children show the World My Love and you will be rewarded in abundance for your devotions and prayers in the name of My Son. Mary, Mother of Divine Love. I have a feeling in my heart that the young Religious Brother in white, who is here will become a priest. End of Leslie Therese'. _______________________________________ NOTE:An understanding received from Our Mother's Words above ("Do as I am asking you My little ones. Pray for My sons without ceasing. Every thought can be a prayer for My sons. Your Father is listening and He hears all words and thoughts as it is formed in your head.") The evil one tries to harass us in many ways to keep us from praying for priests. Offer up this harassment as a suffering for priests! This confounds the evil one. Prayer under harassment has more value than prayer without harassment! June, 24, 00 Last Saturday Priests Saturday Received by a bride from another area, Lin I am in Theriot, Louisiana this last Saturday of June. We began to pray the Rosary around 2:00 p.m. Padre Pio is here. I get the fragrance of tobacco. I now see a vision of his face. Before the mysteries start and at the first Hail Mary Claire Rose announced Our Lady's presence. I do not see Her yet! I'm thinking maybe I will not see Her today. At the 1st Joyful Mystery, The Annunciation, Our Lady speaks, "I am with you little one." Again I smell the fragrance of tobacco. A sweet smell. Our Lady continues, "Little one I love you. Thank all My precious children who have come today to pray for My beloved priest sons. I love them. If they only knew how much I love them. Love My priest sons My children. Encourage them help them when you can. They need your help. They need your prayers My children." At the 2nd Joyful Mystery, The Visitation, Our Lady speaks, "Your prayers are what will help at this time My children. My child, I am here, your Mother of Divine Love." I now see Our Lady in a vision under different titles. Some I know and many I do not know. I see Our Mother of Divine Love, Our Lady of Divine Grace, Our Lady of Perpetual Help and many more. I am very aware of all the people around me praying. Our Lady adds, "Continue to pray little one." At the 3rd Joyful Mystery, The Birth of Our Lord, Our Lady continues, "My daughters in habit, thank you for coming. All the little children, the precious little children thank you for praying for priests." (I understood Her to mean the small children present who were praying at Her request.) Our Lady, "Child of grace sit. Thank you little one for being obedient. Little one continue to write. Thank the man in white for coming. Continue to pray little one. Oh! How I love the little children praying. It is music to My ears to hear them praying for My beloved priest sons. I love you My little children. Many priests will be the result of these prayers." (I understood Our Lady to mean the small children praying for priests.) I now see a vision of angels hovering above the top of us. I also see devils cringing as we pray. Our Lady speaks, "Prayer My children, prayer is what is needed. Pray My children. Teach others to pray." At the 5th Joyful Mystery, The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple, Our Lady continues, "Continue to write little one. Pray for the man in white little one." My Mother, who is the man in white? Our Lady, "It is the Holy Father little one. My child continue to write." I sense there is someone who is here who is not comfortable being here. Oh my Mother I pray for that person whoever it is. At the 1st Sorrowful Mystery, The Agony in the Garden, Our Lady speaks, "Kneel now little one." Oh my Mother all I see are tears, Your tears. Our Lady, "Oh My children, I cry for My children and I cry for My priest sons. Some of My priest sons are leading My precious children astray. Oh My child, My children pray especially for these priest sons. Pray also for the priest sons who are holy. Pray for them to stay holy." Again I smell the fragrance of tobacco. Oh my Mother it is so hot. Our Lady, "My little one offer up this sacrifice for priests. Write little one what you see." I see flames from hell. Our Lady,"We are in a dangerous time little one. Prayer is the answer." I see our prayers quieting the flames from coming near us. I see our prayers helping the souls in Purgatory. Jesus then speaks, "Continue to write as My Mother directs you." I see devils being released from hell and they go to harass the good people. Our Lady, "That is correct little one." I now see Jesus on the Cross. His Blood is pouring over all His precious children, especially His children in dire need. His Precious Blood brings encouragement to His children who are close to Him, and conversion to sinners. Love beyond compare, to all His children. Love which pours from His Most Precious Blood. It pours over all of us without limit, covering all the earth. Our Lady, "Stay kneeling little one. Continue praying little one." At the 4th Sorrowful Mystery, The Carrying of the Cross, I see Jesus carrying our crosses. Carrying us. Love pours out to all of us. Our Lady then speaks Scripture "By His Stripes you are healed." And then "Greater Love has no man then he should lay down his life for his friend. My Son laid down His Life for you all." I see Jesus fall with the Cross on top of Him. My heart is pierced and my body cannot imagine such pain. Again I see Love pouring out to all of us from Him. Jesus speaks, "Pray for My priests. Prayer will turn all around. My priests will come back to Me." At the 5th Sorrowful Mystery, The Crucifixion, Jesus speaks again, "Did I die for nothing! Where are you My sons? PLEASURES!!! Did you forget to die to self? Thank you My sons who have remained faithful. You are what give Me consolation." Our Lady,"Continue to pray little one. At the Glorious Mysteries sit little one. Do as I say little one. I know you are in pain. Sit little one. Tell who ever said the 1st Glorious Mystery that I love her. My child the man in white who is here today, tell him I love him. He will know who he is. My child, all the rosaries and sacramentals present today are blessed by Me today and also the Most Holy Blessed Trinity, all the sacramentals and rosaries in this house and throughout this house. Tell My children I am blessing them all in a very special way and so is the Trinity. Graces are being poured out on all of you. Graces for all who are gathered all over the world today to pray for My beloved priest sons. These graces go with you to your homes and all you meet bringing My Son's love to all, My love to all. Do not worry about what others think. Spread this beautiful mission of Love to all. Help Me help My beloved sons. I love you. Thank you for coming My children. Thank you for praying for Our priests. Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love, Mother of the Bayou, Mother of all." I see Our Lady as Mother of Divine Love all in a creme dress. Her Mantle and Veil are the same color and they flow softly in the breeze. She is so beautiful. Her Hands are held together in prayer, then Her Hands are extended out to us all in love. Our Lady, "Thank all the men who are present here today. I give them special blessings and call them My Joseph's." At the 5th Glorious Mystery the Coronation of Our Lady the meditation was read. "Pray that Mary, Queen of the Clergy, will be their model of faith and joy, and constant guide until they reach Heaven where a crown, jeweled with the many souls entrusted to them on Ordination day, will be their reward for faithful and loving service." At this Our Lady spoke, "My holy priest sons are My jewels in My Crown." I saw Our Lady in a beautiful crown and it sparkled like diamonds with so many jewels in it. Our Lady, "Oh how I love My children, My precious holy children." End of bride from another area, Lin.