Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity

Fifty-Sixth Visitation of Our Lady

November 29, 2003 Priest's Saturday Last Saturday Theriot, Louisiana
Claire Rose wrote:
Today is a beautiful day. We had a quiet Thanksgiving Day here at home with our family. In the afternoon we had about 5" of rain in one hour as a cold front from the northwest came through. Friday and today are sunny and clear with a good breeze from the northwest. We have been picking pecans. We have never had so many pecans as this year. The oranges are also ripening. This morning we had frost. My husband blessed our house in and outside with Holy Water. There is a youth Day of Prayer in my Diocese today. I have been asking Our Mother to make Her Presence felt there by the youth and leaders. She is calling them to come here on the Last Saturdays. I pray they will respond to Her Call very soon. Pilgrims began to arrive about 10a.m. Today we are blessed with one holy priest to hear Confessions. We are also blessed with three holy nuns, a Religious Brother and many others. At 1:45p.m. we gathered with the children by the big Cross. I began by inviting Our Mother to please come and pray with us and for us as we give this day to Her as an offering for our beloved priests. As we prayed three Hail Mary's Our Mother came. She was wearing a navy blue dress and a bright white veil. On Her Head is a Crown of little white roses. Much light surrounds Her. There is a lot of gold light especially in Her Veil. Our Mother speaks:
"My precious, precious, precious little children, I love you ALL so much. I love you. I love you."Our Mother is leaning toward us and over us. Her Veil is so big, so large It spills over all of us touching each one. Our Mother continues: "I bring you love My children. Love from My Son, Jesus, a love that this world cannot give you. Open your hearts My precious little ones. Open your hearts to Your Mother. I love you little ones. I love you. I love you. I have chosen each one of you My children. Give your little hearts to Me. Parents and grandparents, teach your children about Me. Tell them how much I love them. You are a living example of Me and My Son. Let My children see Me in you each day. Bless your children often with Holy Water and teach them to pray. Teach them to turn to Me and to My Son Jesus whenever their hearts are troubled. I am very near to those who are suffering. Very near, My children. I enfold each one of you in My Arms. I love you. I love you. I love you." Thank you Blessed Mother for speaking to us, please stay with us. I spoke to the children and to some of their Mothers then went inside to begin the 20 decade Rosary for our beloved priests.
2p.m. I blessed myself, all the rooms and pilgrims present with Holy Water. Our Mother came as I knelt down to begin the Rosary. I saw no one else with Her. She is dressed all in white surrounded by light. There was no Crown on Her Head. I surrendered to Our Mother all of our priests and future priests, all those who have asked us for prayer. I gave to Her all of our families and Petitions. I thanked Her for loving us and for taking care of us. I thanked Her for blessing Her Mission here with many Consecrated brides.
As we began the First Joyful Mystery, The Annunciation Our Mother's Dress changed from white to a pinkish-purple. A mist of that color came over Her white Dress and it changed. Her Veil remained white. I do not think I have ever seen Her in that beautiful color before.
Second Joyful Mystery, The Visitation, 
Our Mother began to speak "Open your hearts, My beloved children, My priest sons and all of My precious children. Open your hearts. Prepare your hearts. Prepare your souls."
Third Joyful Mystery, The Nativity, 
Our Mother spoke: "Clean out your houses. Clean your hearts. Clean your souls. O My beloved children, NOW is the time to PREPARE. PREPARE. PREPARE. Make room in your hearts. Make room in your souls. Make room in your lives for the greatest gift you could ever hope to receive. PREPARE. PREPARE. PREPARE for the Coming of My Son Jesus. MAKE ROOM FOR HIM! I ask you to change your hearts. Give your hearts to Me, Your Mother. I will renew and refresh you. I will bring you by the hand to new life. Prepare yourselves for this new life by making a decision to change your hearts." I could feel my own heart trembling as Our Mother spoke.
Fourth Joyful Mystery, The Presentation in the Temple, 
Our Mother continued: "Turn to Your Mother I will help you. To begin this preparation, examine your lives, in PRAYER. Make a complete Holy Confession to My priest sons. O My children your conversion to holiness will help to convert My lukewarm priest sons. I need you My beloved children. I call you to prepare for a new and deeper holiness. Prepare your hearts & your souls before you receive My beloved Son, Jesus. Turn to Me with all your hearts. I await you in love, in Peace and in hope."
First Luminous Mystery The Baptism of Jesus
Our Mother speaks to the priest who is present: "My beloved and precious little shepherd I love you. I love you. I love you. Thank you for loving Your Mother. I am healing you My son because I love you. You please Me, My son. Thank you for hearing the Confessions of My children. Thank you for your heart of Compassion that is so like the Heart of My Son Jesus. I love you. Your Mother."
Second Luminous Mystery The Wedding at Cana
Our Mother speaks to my Spiritual Director: "My beloved priest son, I love you. I thank you for all you do for My Son Jesus and for Me Your Mother. I am with you My son, son of My Immaculate Heart. I will ask more of you My son. I will provide all that is needed for your response to My Call to you."
Our Mother speaks to the Brother who is present: "Thank you My little Martin for loving Me. I love you most tenderly. You please Me and bring joy to My Immaculate Heart. I sing through you. I am with you at all times. Thank you for praying in all the languages of My people."
Our Mother speaks to a priest who has gone astray: "My beloved priest son, turn back to Your Mother. Come home. Turn around. Do not turn away from Me. I call you. Come home to My Immaculate Heart. I await you. I desire to enfold you in My mantle of healing peace. You must turn around. Turn away from all evil. Turn away from those who pull you away from My Son Jesus and from Your Mother. I love you My son. I will help you. Please come home to Your Mother."
Fourth Luminous Mystery, The Transfiguration
Our Mother speaks to a priest who is being falsely accused: "My beloved priest son, I am with you, My son. I love you. You are walking in the Footsteps of My Son Jesus in this trial of suffering, My son. I am with you. All will be well. Place your complete trust in My beloved Son Jesus. I enfold you in My Mantle of Purple, in My Mantle of Protection and of Peace. I know that you do not understand this false accusation. Know My son that this is part of your holy journey to complete Union with the Most Holy Blessed Trinity. I am with you. I love you. 
Your own Mother, Your Patroness, Mother of Divine Love."
Fifth Luminous Mystery, The Last Supper
Our Mother speaks to all: "Await My Son! He Comes! Here He Comes! Soon He Comes! Await His coming with open heart and open arms. I come before Him to prepare the way for HIS COMING! Await Him in Faith! Await Him in Hope! Await Him in Love! Much is about to unfold like the unfolding of the petals of a rose. Look for that which is good, that is unfolding around you. You are My children of Light, not of darkness. I love you and I thank you who are the Faithful remnant. You shall not be disappointed nor abandoned."
First Sorrowful Mystery, The Agony in the Garden
Our Mother continues: "Keep your eyes on My Son Jesus. He is coming soon! Many of you who are living today will see Him as He comes in Glory. I speak to you for Him My children."
Our Mother asked me to kneel and pray the Sorrowful Mysteries with Her. As soon as I knelt I began to feel terribly alone and abandoned. I felt a terrible desolation. I was given the grace to share in Jesus' feelings but also understood that I was sharing in the sufferings of a priest. Sometimes when I am given a suffering I am not given the understanding and sometimes I am.
First Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection
Our Mother continues: "O My beloved children, I love you and I thank you with all of My Heart for those who are faithful. I see into your hearts, My priest sons and My beloved children. You must persevere when you are under trial. Persevere. I will see you through this time of doubt and unknowing. I speak to your hearts, WORDS OF LOVE, WORDS OF HOPE! I come here not to wound you, I come here to heal you. I have not abandoned you nor shall I ever abandon you. Again I ask you to PREPARE. PREPARE. PREPARE. Make room in your homes and in your hearts for My beloved Son Jesus. I bless you in a deeper way of understanding as I depart."
Second Glorious Mystery, The Ascension
Our Mother continues: "I bless all of your families. I love you. I love you. I carry all of your Petitions in My Immaculate Heart to Heaven. You will be surprised at the response of Our Father to your needs, for He will reward your Faith in Him and in Me Your Immaculate Mother. I come not to burden you My beloved priest sons and all My children. I come to lighten your burdens and to bring you Peace. I love you. Persevere in your prayer and in your sacrifice for My beloved priest sons. The reward you shall receive will come from and through My beloved Son Jesus. Prepare My priest sons and all of My children. A new dawn, a new day is about to break upon the horizon, but first remember that the darkest hour is just before the dawn. Be Faithful as My Son is Faithful. We, My Son and I will be with you and We will carry you through the darkest hour. Stay close to Our Hearts of Love and you will be safe and secure. I cover this chosen place with My Mantle of Divine Love, My Mantle of Peace and of Protection. My Immaculate Heart is a sure and safe refuge for all of My priest sons and all of my beloved children. Thank you for answering My Call to you My children."
Fourth Glorious Mystery, The Assumption
Our Mother continues: "I love you. I love you. I love you. Come home to Your Mother. I am filled with Love for you. I am Your Mother, Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love."
St. Joseph came at the very end just before Our Mother left. Our Mother continued to speak: "I leave, but I remain with you My children, in love forever. Love one another as I love you. My children these Visitations are a gift to you, a gift of Love from Our God, the Most Holy Blessed Trinity. A gift is something given, not to be expected or ever taken for granted. Give thanks to Our God, My children for these Visitations of Love. You are living in special times My children, a very special time of the outpouring of Divine Grace, of Divine Mercy and of Divine Love upon the earth. I love you. I have many titles, I am one Mother, Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love."
"Lorena, I love you. All will be well, My beloved child. K. I love you. I see how hard you are trying to be good. I am with you. I will never leave you. Do not be afraid. You are all three in My Immaculate Heart."
"Sister R. I love you. Your suffering is helping many of My priest sons to be healed. Through a holy priest your order will be renewed and redirected to Truth."
"For My sons, My Josephs who work for My Mission here I love you. Your reward will bless your families for many generations to come. My Mission here has multiplied and you will see much fruit in many new and holy priests and Religious."
"Glenda, I am with you. I love you. Thank you for your offering of your suffering. Many priests have been helped by your giving heart."
My husband saw Mother Theresa today as we prayed the Rosary. He saw her go to each person here and she touched each one.
End of Claire Rose________________

November 29, 2003 Theriot, Louisiana
Leslie Therese` received:
As we prayed outside with the children Our Mother came. I saw many hearts falling into each child. The hearts were surrounded by flames. The hearts were filled with love for Jesus. Before Our Mother came I saw many jewels and diamonds suspended in the air. Our Mother came in a bright light today. I saw Her all in white with a Crown of white roses. After we began the Rosary Our Mother began to speak: "Tell Lorena that I hold her child in My Heart for safekeeping and that I surround her and her baby in My Love. When you have need My child call to Me. Give to Me all that you cannot handle and I will make it My own. You are My daughter. I am Your Heavenly Mother. Look to your earthly Mother for a true profound and deep love to share with your child. Trust in Me My daughter. Trust in Me for I love you. Tell your husband to ask for guidance from My earthly husband Joseph for he was a good father to Jesus. Come to Us for guidance. I bless your baby with a very special Angel of Protection." I saw this Angel of Light wrapped around this baby just conceived in it's mother's womb. 
Our Mother spoke to the religious Brother present: "I love you My little Martin. You are so dear to My Heart. Your respect and love for all of My children is seen by all of Heaven. Thank you for singing and praying with us today. Tend My sheep and make sure they are well fed and keep yourself and My little lambs from harm. Pray. Pray. Pray My son for your brothers and sisters in habit. Continue to do all that you can for My priests, My sons. Pray My son, pray, sing, share the love I have for you with all you meet."
Our Mother then speaks to the Religious Sisters who are present: "My darling daughters your Faith and Love make My Heart glad. I am always filled at your presence. I come here each month for you also My daughters. I thank you again for wearing your habits as a sign to My children of your great love for My Son Jesus. My children need this sign now more than ever." I see a great ocean and it's waves are crashing together the wind is blowing strong. It looks like a hurricane. Then I see the sisters and the water is calmed wherever they pass. "The storm that rages within some of my children's lives comes to complete calm at seeing the love you have for My Son Jesus. I love you My daughters, call to Me for intercession. Call to your sister Theresa for her intercession as well. She has been well and truly blessed for her dedication to My Son Jesus. I Love you. I love you. Pray. Pray. Pray for your sisters and brothers in habit. Continue to Pray for My Priests, My Sons."
For everyone: "My children Oh how I love you. Pray for My Priests. Pray that they may always be filled with the love of My Son Jesus and be on fire to spread His message of love to all of you His children. Thank you all for all that you do in prayer and love in My Name. My love for you My children grows stronger with each moment. Be welcoming to all you meet and share the love I have for you with all you welcome. As I do every month I send each new person here today home with an Angel of Protection. I will do this each time until there is no more need. I bless all marriages and all children of these. Some do not know yet that they are now blessed with this special gift but you will know soon. I bless all wedding rings. Pray for your marriages to grow stronger in faith and love. Pray. Pray. Pray. My special children, Pray. I bless you and fill you with My peace and the knowledge of My true presence here. Yes it is I, Your Mother calling to you for Prayer. Pray for your country. Pray for peace. Pray for the poor souls who have been lost to Us that they will in this moment find Us again, and come home to Our love for them. Pray for all of My children yes even your enemies. Pray for My children here in this little holy place. Pray. Pray. Pray for them and their families to continue to be strong and faithful in welcoming Me into their homes and hearts, to allow you to come to Me here. This sacrifice has been greatly welcomed by My children and they fill Me with love. They have done well. Thank you again My children for coming here today to pray with Us. Listen. Listen in silence for My Voice for I will speak to all who listen."
Received for a Priest present: "Mon Chere (My Dear) Priest You are My Heart. Good (Bon) is your heart. I love you. I hold you in My Arms. I am here to comfort, console and heal your body. Give to Me all of your burdens. I am washing you in My love for you. My little son who so long ago heard My call to you, you are a good son. Thank you for hearing My children's confessions. Continue in prayer for your brothers, My Sons. I love you. I bless you with My peace and My love. Pray for My children and bless them at each mass in the silence of your heart for I will be listening."
For all priests: "My Sons, My Sons there are no words I can say to you it seems. Where are you My Sons? Some of you have heard My call and have come to Me here in this little place for healing. What are you afraid of? Do not fear Me, I am Your Mother. I come here only in love. I love you so much that I come here from Heaven especially for you My Priest sons. I want to do all I can to heal and renew you and your vocations. Come to Me. Come home to Me for I have great things for you to do. I will wash you clean. I will make you whole again. Do not be afraid. Come and listen as My children pray and sing in dedication to you.
Mary, Come into My heart and rest there. I comfort you with My love and peace.
John, welcome My son. Bring your family forward for My Blessing.
T--Your faith in Me is wondrous and I love you My dearest heart.
S--It is time now to settle down and let Me help you to be complete and happy. Trust in Me.
Carl-I love you My son. Welcome." 
End of Leslie Therese`_______________

November 29, 2003 Priest's Saturday Last Saturday of November

Received by a bride from another area, Lin.
I received this early in the morning from Jesus, "My child, get your house ready and they will come." O.K. Lord! I blessed the whole house with holy water, and invited all the Holy Angels and Saints and Souls being made holy in Purgatory to pray with us and for us. I invited Our Lady under all Her titles to pray with us for our beloved priests and for more priests. Read the beginning prayers and started the Rosary for priests around 2:00 p.m. Our Lady is here as Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.
The first Joyful Mystery, The Annunciation
Our Lady says, "My child I am with you. Thank you for opening your home for people to come and pray with us for our beloved priests. I am praying with you."
The second Joyful Mystery, The Visitation
Our Lady continues, "I am praying with you for our beloved priests. Many Holy Angels are praying with us. Many Saints are praying with us, St. Padre Pio, Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta. Have courage my daughter, have courage." Why am I here Mother Mary, no one came! Our Lady continues, "My daughter I have asked you to pray this Rosary for Our priests on the last Saturday. Thank you for your obedience. Do not worry that no one else is here. Simply do as I have asked. Others have been called. It is up to them to respond to My Call! It is up to them to come and pray with Me for Our beloved priests. Leave all in My Hands little one."
The third Joyful Mystery, the Birth of Our Lord
Our Mother Mary says, "Continue to open your home little one. Leave all in My Hands. People will soon know you are in California this month and will be here a while for the last Saturday."
The fourth Joyful Mystery, the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple
Our Lady says, "Think of how Our beloved priests feel when people are indifferent and lukewarm to the effort of teaching they give. They get discouraged and wonder if their evangelization is in vain. Pray for them My children! Pray for them. Encourage them My children. Let them know they are appreciated. My children, you know how sad you feel when you think no one cares! It is up to you to encourage your brother priests."
The fifth Joyful Mystery, the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
Our Lady says, "They don't know how you feel unless you tell them. That is why it is so important to encourage them."
The first Luminous Mystery, the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan
Oh! Dear Mother Mary, may the whole world be on fire with love of Your Son, Jesus! Our Lady says, "My daughter in order for this to happen much more prayer is needed, prayer from the heart!"
The second Luminous Mystery, the Marriage Feast at Cana
Our Lady continues, "My daughter, many of My children are running after the things of this world, not realizing that the next world is more important than this world! Many priests no longer preach about the sin in the world. Some are afraid to preach the truth. Pray My children! Pray! Pray! Pray for these priests to TRULY see the LIGHT, to change their hearts and pray for them to have conversion, daily conversion of heart"
The third Luminous Mystery, the Proclamation of the Kingdom
Our Lady says, "Pray for them to have the fire of My Son Jesus' LOVE. That LOVE attracts their flocks to them. That is true holiness."
The fourth Luminous Mystery, the Transfiguration
I see the devil as we pray. As we continue to pray he leaves Our Lady continues, "Oh! My beloved priest sons, pray for your brother priests. Encourage each other. Hear each other's confessions. Help each other with daily conversion of heart. Help each other toward holiness. You will be surprised at how much help you are for each other. Oh! My priest sons, I know how busy and stretched out you are. Have courage My sons, have courage!"
The fifth Luminous Mystery, the Institution of the Eucharist
Our Lady says, "Preach the true presence of My Son Jesus in the Eucharist, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Let My children know the great gift they have in the Eucharist. Receive My Son often My children in the Holy Eucharist. Receive the two great Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. There is where the greatest grace abounds."
The first Sorrowful Mystery, the Agony in the Garden
Our Lady Continues "My children pray for more priests as without priests you have no Eucharist. Oh! My children, you need more priests for the sanctification of your souls."
The second Sorrowful Mystery, the Scourging at the Pillar
Our Lady says, "Oh! My children, oh how I love you. Oh! How My Son Jesus loves you. Your prayers, My children, your prayers are needed desperately. Pray! Pray! Pray! My children, pray for holy priests."
The third Sorrowful Mystery, the Crowning with Thorns
Our Lady continues, "Oh! My priest sons, stay with what is correct. Do not water down the faith to your flocks. They wait to hear the TRUTH from you. Do not deny them this. Oh! My priest sons who have persevered, thank you My sons."
The fourth Sorrowful Mystery, the Carrying of the Cross
Our Lady says, "Oh! My children, pray for holy families. From holy families come priests. My children pray together as families. Families that pray together stay together. Persevere My children, persevere in prayer, fasting and penance."
The fifth Sorrowful Mystery, the Crucifixion
Our Lady continues, "Pray My precious children for daily conversion of heart. This leads to the sanctity of your immortal souls. Eternity is forever! Your trials on earth are only for a short while, even though they seem forever. Offer your trials, your daily duties and perplexities up in My Son Jesus' Name through My Immaculate Heart. Ask your guardian Angels to help you. They are a gift from God. Ask for My intercession and help and guidance My children. I am there, even though you don't see Me. My children, I am there. When you pray through My intercession I bring you LOVE, My Son Jesus!"
The first Glorious Mystery, the Resurrection
Our Lady says, "Know My precious children that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Your prayers, prayers from your hearts make this happen."
The second Glorious Mystery, the Ascension
Our Lady continues, "My Son is the Light of the world. Open your hearts to His Light, His Love! Let His Love permeate your entire beings. He is waiting for you to open your hearts My children and let Him in. He is LOVE, LOVE beyond your understanding."
The third Glorious Mystery, the Descent of the Holy Spirit
Our Lady continues, "Oh! My priest sons, open your hearts to My Son Jesus' LOVE. Your hearts must be open for you to grow in His LOVE! Take time out during your busy schedules to be with Him. He is there for you. You need but ask."
The fourth Glorious Mystery, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady continues, "Oh! My priest sons know that I am with you. Thank you for your 'YES' to My son Jesus and Me."
The fifth Glorious Mystery, the Coronation of Our Lady in Heaven
Our Lady says, Oh! My children, thank you for coming together today to pray for our beloved priests all over the world at My request. You form a river of prayer from all over the world for Our beloved priests. When you pray for priests you pray for each other and for your families. I love you My children. I love you My priest sons. I love you My religious. You are Mine!
Your Mother, Mother of Divine Love, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.
Pray! Pray! Pray My children, My priests, My religious, pray, pray, pray!
Our Lady is here as Queen of Divine Love. She is all in white. She is most Beautiful. She has a crown on with seven points. There is a tiny pearl on each point. In front is a chalice. The Eucharist is suspended above it with golden rays coming out. Her garments move in the breeze. She is looking at us most lovingly and most earnestly and says, "Pray My children, persevere in prayer! I love you! Persevere in prayer! Thank you My daughter for your obedience in writing. I love you. I am with you."
End of bride from another area, Lin.______________________________

November 29, 2003, Saturday