One Hundred and Twelfth Visitation of Our Lady
July 26, 2008 Last Saturday of July Priest’s Saturday Theriot, LA U.S.A
Claire Rose wrote: Today is a beautiful day! My husband blessed inside and outside of our home with Holy Water. We are blessed by the presence of two holy priests, one from Ghana the other from Louisiana, also two Religious Brothers and two Sisters and about 100 pilgrims.
At noon the Stations of the Cross were prayed. At 1:30pm we prayed the Chaplet of Divine Love for Priests. Both priests heard Confessions. Just before 2p.m. Our Mother asked me to sprinkle Holy Water. At 2pm Holy Mass of the Feast Day of Sts. Joachim and Anne was offered. Our Mother has been visible to me since this morning.
Our Mother was present before Holy Mass began. She remained throughout Holy Mass. At times She sat in the empty chair near the altar. Our Mother was dressed as Mother of Divine Love with no crown until after Holy Mass when the crown on Her Head was so resplendent with Light I could barely see Our Mother except for Her silhouette.
After Holy Mass we prayed the Luminous Mysteries. Our Mother spoke. “My Beloved Priest Sons, I love you! I love you! I love you! I have brought you here today My beloved priest sons, Sons of My Immaculate Heart. I am present here today O My sons. I come to you here My own sons. I come to this quiet and hidden place for you My own sons. O how I love you! I come here to love you. I come to bring Divine Love to you. I come to teach all of My children to love one another. My beloved priest son “T,” Father T, I have carried you My son from a far away place. I thank you for your holy presence here today. I thank you for your “yes!” I am with you My chosen son and I am within you! I thank you for offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Holy Mass for My precious children. I bless you My son. I will continue to be with you as you walk your journey of Faith among My precious children. I receive you through My children’s hearts. My precious priest son Fr. S , I love you! I love you! I love you! Thank you from Your Mother’s Heart. I thank you both My sons for hearing the Confessions of My precious children. You are greatly blessed and chosen My two priest sons.
My beloved religious My little children I love you! I love you! I love you! I thank you My precious ones My doves. I thank you for wearing your habits. I thank you for your many years of faithful service to My Beloved Son Jesus and to Your Immaculate Mother. I remain within you My chosen children.
My beloved children I love you all. I encompass you all under My Mantle of Protection. I hear the prayers of your hearts My children. You pray and ask Our Father to bless you with holy priests. Your prayers are heard My children and Heaven’s response to your call is at hand. Among you today are those who desire to become priests. Today each of these receives a special blessing to persevere in a holy journey of life.
My children I ask you all to open your hearts completely to Your Immaculate Mother. Open your hearts fully to Your Mother. Surrender to Your Mother all that troubles you, all that crowds your heart, all that keeps you from total peace. Come to your Mother. I will help you to clean out your heart and remove all that is blocking you from having refreshing peace and healing.
O My children I love you! Each new person today receives an Angel of Protection, one who will protect your faith in My Son Jesus.
The Most Holy Blessed Trinity has visited you today and blesses each one of you through the holy and anointed hands of My priest sons. Love your priest. Defend your priest. Help your priest. Pray and sacrifice for your priest. They, My beloved priest sons are a special gift to you all. A gift from our God. A gift to be treasured and honored always. I love you! All will return home safely! I am Your Mother. I have many titles. I am one Mother Your Mother, Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests.”
As we prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet Padre Pio appeared. There was a tear in his left eye. Then he smiled as we continued to pray.
end of Claire Rose___________________________
July 26, 2008 Last Saturday of July Priest’s Saturday
Received by a bride from another area, Lin
It is a warm sunny day. Our Lady has been with us since early morning. People started coming around 1:30 p.m. and put petitions in the prayer box. We invited all the Holy Angels and Saints and Souls being made Holy in Purgatory to pray with us and for us for holy priests and for vocations to the priesthood. We invited Our Lady under all Her titles to pray with us and for us for holy priests and for vocations to the priesthood. We started the 20 decade Rosary for priests around 2:00 p.m. The first decade of the Rosary was said in Spanish. Our Lady says, “Oh how I love to hear the Rosary in all languages! Oh how I love you My precious children. Thank you for coming to pray with Me for Our beloved priests and yes, for vocations, at My request. If you are here it is because I have called you here to pray with Me for Holy Priests.” The Rosary is now being said in French.
Our Mother Mary is smiling. She says, “I am speaking to My youth at this time. I ask you to listen to the Still Small Voice of My Son Jesus in your hearts. I love you My youth. My Son Jesus loves you. There is much work you can do for My Son Jesus. Listen, as He prompts you on a path closer and closer to Him. Your souls are at stake My youth. Listen, I beg you to listen!
Oh My priest sons, be Jesus to My youth. They need your direction and guidance especially your good example. Actions, My sons, speak louder than words.”
Our Mother is here as Queen of Divine Love with Her Crown with seven points. On the front is a Chalice and the Eucharist is suspended above it. Out of the Eucharist come golden rays of light. The rays come out to each and every person present. Our Lady says, “My daughter, the golden rays of light coming out to each of you is Divine Grace and Divine Love. Open your hearts for all the Grace and Love. Let My son Jesus enter your hearts in Love!
M--- I love you. Thank you for coming today to pray with Me for Our priests and yes for vocations. I love you! I love you! I love you! Persevere My daughter persevere!” Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She is beautiful! Her love is so evident. She says, “I love you My children, Oh how I love you!
M----- My daughter, thank you for being here! I love you, yes I ask much of you! Do not give up! I will be asking more of you! Persevere My daughter, persevere! I love you! I love you! I love you!
Oh My beautiful children of prayer and love for the priesthood, I hear the praying from your heart, your heartfelt prayer. This is what it takes to help Our priests, Our beloved priests to pick up their crosses and go forward.” I am taken away to a place of great quiet and great, great peace and great, great love. Our Mother says, “Be still now My daughter, be still.”
“Oh My priest sons, BE HOLY and STAY HOLY! I need you My sons. My Son Jesus needs you to be Jesus to His flocks. Take care to be good examples to your flocks. Your flocks need you to be holy! I love you My priest sons, Oh how I love you!
A—I thank you for coming to pray with Me for vocations and for holy priests. I have called you this day to pray with Me! I love you My daughter, Oh how I love you! Thank you for answering My Call!
M---- I come to you as Our Lady of Guadalupe and as Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests. I thank you My daughter for answering My Call to pray with Me! It is no mistake that you are here. Persevere My daughter in your prayer life. Your prayers are heard in Heaven!
Oh My children please pray for the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. He has been given a big job. Pray for all the Bishops all over the world, especially the Bishop of your diocese. They have great responsibility, yes for your souls as well as the priests of your parish. It is most important My children, most important. You do not realize the power of your prayers, yes your prayers from the heart! Pray! Pray! Pray for HOLY PRIESTS! Pray! Pray! Pray for VOCATIONS to the PRIESTHOOD! THIS IS WHAT IS NEEDED AT THIS TIME! Remember to pray for Holy Families, as from Holy families come Holy Priests! Oh My children, I come for you all for each and every one of you. My Heart is with each of you, bringing love to your hearts.” Our Mother is with us all in white. She is most beautiful. She has a Rosary in Her Hands, a Rosary of Light. She is praying with us as we pray. She says, “Oh My children, Oh how I love you! I see the love in your hearts for My Beloved Son Jesus! And yes, Our Father and the Holy Spirit! Know that I am with you all. I never leave you. You are all My LOVE’S! I love you! I love you! I love you all, all over the world who are praying with Me for Our beloved priests. Persevere My children, persevere! That is all for now My daughter. My love goes out to all of you all over the world. My ‘brides’ thank you for your diligence and perseverance.
Your Mother, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests”
The room became filled with Holy Angels of all shapes and sizes and lasted for only a few seconds.
End of bride from another area. ________